About me

I’m working as datascientist past 2 years, I like to solve challenging complex problems and provide optimal solution to grow the business.

Following projects are i worked on:

  1. Churn prediction and performance attrition - Classification and Regression
    • Used Survival analysis, HMM, Tree based models are Randomforest, XGBoost and RNN
  2. Interpreting models - Explaining prediction on individual records
    • Shapley values, Lime, Eli5
  3. Chat Bot - IT Help desk, Health Bot
    • Pipeline of Tokenization, POS tagging, Stop words removal, Stemming and lemmatization
    • Intent classification
    • Entity Indentification
    • Build a minimal Utterence generator
  4. Image classification and Object recognition
    • Used Inception v3 model and retrained last layer of softmax
    • YOLO
  5. Bill details extraction through invoice using machine learning (No Regex)
    • Tesseract to get content and bounding box coordinates
    • Applied KNN on coordinates to get related content
  6. Anomaly detection
    • Used HBOS, Denoising Autoencoder, Decision Tree
    • Build Api Server using spray and worker node by Undertow
  7. Handwritten tamil character recognition
    • Used opencv to extract content and region of bounding box
    • Using Knearest found the closely matched letter

Technolgy Stack:

Languages : Python, Java, C

DataBase: SQL, MongoDB, HBase

Familiar with: ELK stack, Redis, Spark

Libraries: Numpy, Tensorflow, Scikit-learn, Spark-ml, Pandas, Open-CV

Devops: VSTS, Git, Jenkins

Cloud: Azure, GCP

Apart from that datascience, i worked on following during my college

  1. Developed weather app in android
  2. Teacher tool - Managing student attendance and course materials
  3. Crime Control app - social network for sharing crimes happening around us and informing others. And Geotagging the crimes.
  4. Prestashop extension - Open source Ecommerece platform

On Security wise,

  1. Found a security vulnerability on ISP, reported back to them.
  2. Reported sensitive information leakage and security threats within organisation.